Thursday 17 October 2013

Sculpture of zombie me!

 Firstly, we had to use our knowledge of the shape of the human skull that we should of researched as reference to make our tin foil skulls. To make the skulls we first had to compact the tin foil extremely tight but while doing so we had to try get the shape of the skull as well, for example I was trying to get the eye sockets in my skull and well as some cheek bone however the cheek bone proved to be quite difficult so i decided to add the cheek bone later with the sculpture.
 After I have molded the tin foil skull I added a mixture of grey stuff which was a mixture of Apoxy which when combined together will have a 2 hour window of where I can manipulate it to my will and mold it around the tin foil pinch by pinch, layer over layer to add the cheek bones try to add more shape to the head and trying to create the correct anatomy just so it looks like it has flesh, it is also helpful since it is a zombie and I can add layers to certain bits then sand it down with some chisels so it looks like it has decayed away or been bitten off when the person was still alive was being eaten. However in this image on the left I tried to make the basic round shape of a head in which I would mold into the shape of a head later on right now I was just planning on getting enough apoxy around the tin foil that I could sculpt in to a head form easily. There were several scultping tools that I used which was used to create forms in my sculpt without having to use my fingers so there would be no finger prints. I used the tools mainly for forming shapes which were quite hard to form with fingers for example the nose would of not been possible to create without these tools as if I had used my fingers the nose would be a smaller size and the end of the nose would be slightly more smaller then I wanted.

Here I have started to add more shape to my zombie by pinching the edges so that it would come out more and give the head more shape. I added more tissue around the eye socket however in this picture the tissue is a bit off and is wonky! I pinched the edges to raise it and then I tried to smooth the edges to make it look natural I also added the tongue which would be hanging out and I did not include the bottom jaw so the tongue would hang out as shown in my design. I also added a nose to the face by rolling a piece of the apoxy into a sausage like shape and then placing it where the nose would be. I would then use my finger to smooth out the edges of the nose so that it would blend in with the face so it looked like it was part of it and not just attached on.

I noticed something was off about my skull. It was that it didn't have a forehead! So I added layers on top of the head with the apoxy by getting extra bits of apoxy and flattening it and layer by layer added more and more until i got the right shape and size for my forehead to create the forehead but now it looks square headed.... I decided that I would make this rounded when I got to the chiseling of the sculptures as it would be much more easier then. I also added some shape to the top lip to make it more like a lip than just a flat surface. I pinched the flat area of the lip so that it would compact together and form a shape which looked like a rounded surface on the lip, I also added tiny bits of apoxy where needed to give the lip some volume. I used the flat ended shaping tool to create the forhead layer. I would later use my fingers to smooth out the edges which would then end up with me using a chisel to make the edges even smoother and blend in with the rest of the head.
 Here I added some teeth to make it look like a bit of the lip was torn off as well I feel like it could use more attention and more detail like some teeth some be longer or shorter then others or that some should just be missing. To create this however I rolled some of the material in to a sausage shape then I used the flat part of the chisel to create a block like shape then I used the edge of the chisel to create some lines in the block so it would look like teeth if I could I would try to create each tooth individually just so each tooth has a different shape.
 I chose to add a bit more skin to the front part of the mouth like a torn lip just to add some interest into the sculpt I also added some skin on to the back as well which is hanging off. To do this I had to flatten some of the material so then I could make it more skin like and thin, because of this it was quite difficult to handle as it would tear so I had to reduce the thinness of the skin and made it a tiny bit thicker but reduced the length. I also added an eye ball without the eyelid so it feels like the eye is bulging out of the eye socket and the muscle around the eye has gone so there is no cheek muscle, just the bone.

Here is when we got to chiseling and I added some marks on my sculpture. I tried to add some wrinkles by using some of the chisels which were available to me and by using the edges of the chisel I could create thin marks however as I was unskilled I failed to do some and it looks horrible and is hard to see the marks, also I noticed that the top jaw was way to low and I would of liked to make the jaw line much higher if I did so I feel like that this sculpture would overall be much better however this was my first try and I had much fun with this! If I was to do this again I would do a much better job at this and I feel would produce a much better product!!!

The material called "Grey Stuff" was easier to use then "Green Stuff" as it was more easier to handle and it took longer to harden so we had more time to fiddle with it. Also unlike green stuff it was not sticky as sticky as green stuff so it did not stick to our fingers as easily so it was more easier to handle. One of the properties of grey stuff is that once it hardens unlike green stuff it will turn as solid as rock so it is great for chisel work so it is more suitable for making bigger sculptures like this and not small tiny figures unless you had the tools small enough to sand down the details later on once it hardens. Another property is that it becomes quite hard unlike green stuff where you can still move it slightly after it hardens so it is good for bigger sculpts like busts

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Zombie me! (Photoshop work)

First I started with my orthographic of me, Just the normal side to side none edited picture. With this i changed the color of the picture on Photoshop then i changed to saturation and the hue. I played around with this until I got a sickly color which i was happy with.

This is what I ended up with after I played around with the saturation and hue and also the color balance of the original image 

After playing with the saturation and color balance I then went onto liquefying the image to make myself more skinnier. I went for a more Micheal Jackson Thriller look with the pale then dark burns and lighter places which need highlights.   

After I have done that, using my images I posted in my previous post I masked the image into my face and blended the edges softly and also added after color to try and make it more realistic.

And here it is! The zombie me we were all looking forward to, now to sculpture this!

Zombie reference

When looking for reference I will be looking mostly at the anatomy of the skull and also do some research on body decay and how the muscles on the face will decay slowly if i were to die and become a zombie, I am hoping that my zombie will have a story for example if my zombie were to have a nail in its head then the story could be that while running from the zombies I could of fell and hit my head on a upside facing nail and killed myself or something like that.

For my zombie self I would like to have lost my jaw and have a missing eye that could of been torn out while I was being eaten alive by zombies and for the lack of my bottom jaw (mandible) I could of been hit by one of the survivors when I was trying to eat one of them in my zombified state however they did not go for my brain.
I would like something like this where some of the flesh of my cheek and lower part would be hanging out with my tongue as well to add to the gruesome look of my zombie.
I like the look of the flesh hanging out and would like to implement this in to my sculpture. This would mean I would need to do some research into the mouth and palate (roof of mouth)

Here is a diagram of the mouth, I plan to add as much detail to the mouth as possible from the soft palate to the Uvula however if my zombie self bottom jaw has received major damage the Uvula and the Tonsils may not even be visible.

 This picture I liked the general look of the face and how the wrinkles were so my zombie will be wrinkly I also liked the depth of the eye socket and how the skin is around the skull and you can see the skull as well. This suggests that the zombie has no flesh and that it is literally just skin and bones.
 I liked how this person was trying to create the look of having just one eye and the other eye is scabbed out and is covered in scabs. Looks disgusting, but that's what zombies are! so this is a definite in my zombie look so i will have just one eye.

Using these pictures and many more as reference i will try to re-create me as a zombie!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Zombies! Arrgghh!

We have completed our induction project of our board game and now we shall start our first project. In this project we will be learning how to sculpture and have a more in depth explanation and shown better techniques on how to create sculptures in real life and on Z brush. Our current project involves us zombifying ourselves using the correct anatomy of the human face.

My idea of a zombified self would be of me not having a lower jaw or lips and just showing my teeth. This inspiration comes from the zombies in the recently popular series "Walking dead" the zombies i find in this series make me feel they are truly zombies and their skin is pale and scaly which gives off the look of them decaying as they are already dead.

Right now we are simply creating orthographic of our faces on Photoshop. I have gotten an orthographic of my face with and without glasses as I may later on decide if I want my zombified self to have glasses on or not. If I do decide to have glasses on I will try be creative with it and maybe have the frame broken or possibly the glass itself have a crack, i could also have the frame stuck inside my head as well or inside my eye. I could do a lot of stuff if i have the glasses but it would mean more work but higher reward in the end! As it would look really interesting. I may also remove my jaw line and make my tongue hang out like the picture above to add some interest into my sculpt.

These two are orthographics of me with and without glasses i will edit them on photoshop to zombify myself

 I hope at the end of this project it will be a great success and I will see my zombified self!