Wednesday 16 October 2013

Zombie reference

When looking for reference I will be looking mostly at the anatomy of the skull and also do some research on body decay and how the muscles on the face will decay slowly if i were to die and become a zombie, I am hoping that my zombie will have a story for example if my zombie were to have a nail in its head then the story could be that while running from the zombies I could of fell and hit my head on a upside facing nail and killed myself or something like that.

For my zombie self I would like to have lost my jaw and have a missing eye that could of been torn out while I was being eaten alive by zombies and for the lack of my bottom jaw (mandible) I could of been hit by one of the survivors when I was trying to eat one of them in my zombified state however they did not go for my brain.
I would like something like this where some of the flesh of my cheek and lower part would be hanging out with my tongue as well to add to the gruesome look of my zombie.
I like the look of the flesh hanging out and would like to implement this in to my sculpture. This would mean I would need to do some research into the mouth and palate (roof of mouth)

Here is a diagram of the mouth, I plan to add as much detail to the mouth as possible from the soft palate to the Uvula however if my zombie self bottom jaw has received major damage the Uvula and the Tonsils may not even be visible.

 This picture I liked the general look of the face and how the wrinkles were so my zombie will be wrinkly I also liked the depth of the eye socket and how the skin is around the skull and you can see the skull as well. This suggests that the zombie has no flesh and that it is literally just skin and bones.
 I liked how this person was trying to create the look of having just one eye and the other eye is scabbed out and is covered in scabs. Looks disgusting, but that's what zombies are! so this is a definite in my zombie look so i will have just one eye.

Using these pictures and many more as reference i will try to re-create me as a zombie!

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